মঙ্গলবার, ১৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

Abstract Factory Pattern

  • Abstract Factory pattern G GKwU interface Gi gva¨‡g related/dependent object mg~‡ni bundle create K‡i| G‡ÿ‡Î Dnv‡`i concrete class mg~n specify Kiv nq bv|
  • A_©vr Abstract Factory pattern Gi gva¨‡g GKwU super-factory ‡_‡K wewfbœ Factory create Kiv nq|
  • GRb¨ Bnv‡K factories Gi Factory ejv nq|
  • G‡ÿ‡Î factories Gi cÖwZwU factory wbR¯^ object mg~n represent K‡i|

UML Diagram

_ AbstractFactory:
Bnv GKwU interface hvnv abstract product objects create K‡i|
_ ConcreteFactory:
Concrete product objects create Kivi Rb¨ AbstractFactory interface implement K‡i|
_ AbstractProduct:
Specific Product type object Gi Rb¨ declared interface
_ ConcreteProduct:
            Corresponding concrete factory KZ…©K created product object hvnv AbstractProduct Interface †K implement K‡i|

Non Software Example:
2.1 Abstract Factory Example
Ø  Automobile company ‡Z sheet metal stamping equipment use nq|
Ø  G‡ÿ‡Î stamping equipment GKwU Abstract Factory hvnv auto body parts create K‡i.
Ø  Same machinery use K‡i different models of car Gi Rb¨
o   Right hand doors
o   Left hand doors
o   Right front fenders
o   Left front fenders
o   Hoods etc. create Kiv nq|
Ø  GLv‡b stamping equipment n‡jv Abstract Factory
Ø  Right hand doors, Left hand doors, Right front fenders, Left front fenders, Hoods etc n‡jv GK GKwU Factory
Ø  GK GKwU specific parts n‡jv Factory Gi GK GKwU Object.
Steps to Implement:

Step 1: Create an interface for Shapes.
public interface IShape
    void draw();

Step 2: Create concrete classes implementing the same interface.
public class Rectangle:IShape
    public void draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Rectangle::draw() method.");

public class Square:IShape
    public void draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Square::draw() method.");

public class Circle:IShape
    public void draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Circle::draw() method.");

Step 3: Create an interface for Colors.
public interface IColor
    void fill();

Step4: Create concrete classes implementing the same interface.
public class Red:IColor
    public void fill()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Red::fill() method.");

public class Green:IColor
    public void fill()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Green::fill() method.");

public class Blue:IColor
    public void fill()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Blue::fill() method.");

Step 5: Create an Abstract class to get factories for Color and Shape Objects.
public interface IAbstractFactory
    IColor getColor(String color);
    IShape getShape(String shape);

Step 6: Create Factory classes extending AbstractFactory to generate object of concrete class based on given information.
public class ShapeFactory:IAbstractFactory

    public IShape getShape(String shapeType)
        if (shapeType == null)
            return null;
        if (shapeType.CompareTo("CIRCLE") == 0)
            return new Circle();
        else if (shapeType.CompareTo("RECTANGLE") == 0)
            return new Rectangle();
        else if (shapeType.CompareTo("SQUARE") == 0)
            return new Square();
        return null;

   public IColor getColor(String color)
       return null;


public class ColorFactory:IAbstractFactory
    public IShape getShape(String shapeType)
        return null;
   public IColor getColor(String color)
       if (color == null)
           return null;
       if (color.CompareTo("RED") == 0)
           return new Red();
       else if (color.CompareTo("GREEN") == 0)
           return new Green();
       else if (color.CompareTo("BLUE") == 0)
           return new Blue();
       return null;

Step 7: Create a Factory generator/producer class to get factories by passing an information such as Shape or Color
public class FactoryProducer
    public static IAbstractFactory getFactory(String choice)
        if (choice.CompareTo("SHAPE") == 0)
            return new ShapeFactory();
        else if (choice.CompareTo("COLOR") == 0)
            return new ColorFactory();
        return null;

Step 8: Use the FactoryProducer to get AbstractFactory in order to get factories of concrete classes by passing an information such as type.
public class AbstractFactoryPatternDemo
    public static void main(String[] args)

        //get shape factory
        IAbstractFactory shapeFactory = FactoryProducer.getFactory("SHAPE");
        //get an object of Shape Circle
        IShape shape1 = shapeFactory.getShape("CIRCLE");
        //call draw method of Shape Circle
        //get an object of Shape Rectangle
        IShape shape2 = shapeFactory.getShape("RECTANGLE");
        //call draw method of Shape Rectangle
        //get an object of Shape Square
        IShape shape3 = shapeFactory.getShape("SQUARE");
        //call draw method of Shape Square

        //get color factory
        IAbstractFactory colorFactory = FactoryProducer.getFactory("COLOR");
        //get an object of Color Red
        IColor color1 = colorFactory.getColor("RED");
        //call fill method of Red
        //get an object of Color Green
        IColor color2 = colorFactory.getColor("Green");
        //call fill method of Green
        //get an object of Color Blue
        IColor color3 = colorFactory.getColor("BLUE");
        //call fill method of Color Blue

Step 9: Verify the output.
Inside Circle::draw() method.
Inside Rectangle::draw() method.
Inside Square::draw() method.
Inside Red::fill() method.
Inside Green::fill() method.
Inside Blue::fill() method.

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