সোমবার, ১৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

State Pattern

  • Behavioral design pattern
  • hLb object Gi internal state changes nq ZLb State pattern  behavior alter allow K‡i|
  • hLb object Gi internal state changes nq ZLb State pattern  behavior alter allow K‡i|
  • State pattern use K‡i ‡Kvb object Gi internal state change Gi mv‡_ mv‡_ Dnvi behavior alter K‡i|
  • Object mg~‡ni  state-dependent behavior implement Kvix  internal state swapping Gi gva¨‡g Bnv achieve Kiv hvq|
  • GKwU object Gi mKj state based behavior mg~n dependent state subclass G defer nq|
  • Bnv object method mg~‡n AwZwi³ case statements use alleviates(Dckg ) K‡i / Kgvq|
UML Diagram:
  • wb‡¤œ State pattern Gi UML representation ‡`qv n‡jv-
  • hvi role mg~n wb¤œiƒc:-


    • Context Object Gi State ‡K State interface Gi instance Øviv represent Kiv nq|
    • Client code GB interface Øviv interact K‡i|
    • Interface Context Object Gi state dependent behavior define K‡i Ges State interface represent K‡i|
    • ConcreteStateA I ConcreteStateB Context Gi lifetime Gi g‡a¨ specific states represent K‡i|
    • Ges D³ state specific behavior implement K‡i|
 Real life example:
·         GKwU vending machine Gi inventory, deposited amount, changing ability, item selection Gi Dci base K‡i KwZcq state Av‡Q|
·         Customer hLb currency deposite K‡i Ges item select K‡i ZLb vending machine
o   nq‡Zv not changeable product deliver K‡i
o   bZzev changeable product deliver K‡i
o   bZzev insufficient currency  Gi Kvi‡b †Kvb product deliver K‡i bv
o   bZzev insufficient stock Gi Kvi‡b †Kvb product deliver K‡i bv
·         myZivs †`L‡Z cvw”Q vending machine different state G Customer Gi mv‡_ different behave K‡i A_©vr wewfbœ state G vending machine Gi behave wewfbœ iKg nq A_©vr Dnvi state  change nIqvi mv‡_ mv‡_ Dnvi behavior   I change nq -
·         The State pattern Gi †ÿ‡ÎI wewfbœ  state  G GKwU object Gi behavior  wewfbœ iKg nq A_©vr D³ object Gi  state  change nIqvi mv‡_ mv‡_ Dnvi behavior   I change nq.

Code Example:
  • GB examine G Avgiv †`L‡ev wKfv‡e State pattern e¨envi K‡i order object Gi Rb¨ state behavior provide Kiv nq|
  • g‡bKwi GKwU order Gi wZbwU state Av‡Q (1). New (2). Shipped (3). Canceled
  • New order shipped/ cancelled n‡Z cv‡i|
  • wKš‘ Shipped order cancelled wKsev cancelled order Shipped n‡Z cv‡i bv|
  • wb‡¤œ State pattern implementation G involved class mg~‡ni diagram †`qv n‡jv-

  • cÖ_‡g GKwU solution Create Kwi Ges Dnvi name w`B StatePattern. Then Dnv‡Z GKwU C# library project add Kwi Ges Dnvi name w`B StatePattern.Model
  • Then Dnv‡Z GKwU interface add Kwi Ges Dnvi name w`B IOrderState Ges Dnvi definition wb¤§iƒct
namespace StatePattern.Model
public interface IOrderState
bool CanShip(Order order);
void Ship(Order order);
bool CanCancel(Order order);
void Cancel(Order order);
  • Then GKwU enumeration add Kwi Ges Dnvi name w`B OrderStatus Ges Bnvi definition wb¤§iƒct
(Note : enumeration use K‡i order Gi current state identify Kiv hv‡e)
namespace StatePattern.Model
public enum OrderStatus
New = 0,
Shipped = 1,
Canceled = 2
  • GLb Avgivv actual Order class create Ki‡ev| GRb¨ project G new class add Ki‡ev Ges Dnvi name n‡e Order Ges D³ class G wb‡¤œv³ code add Ki‡ev-
namespace StatePattern.Model
public class Order
private IOrderState _orderState;
public Order(IOrderState baseState)
_orderState = baseState;
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Customer { get; set; }
public DateTime OrderedDate { get; set; }

public OrderStatus Status()
return _orderState.Status;

public bool CanCancel()
return _orderState.CanCancel(this);

public void Cancel()
if (CanCancel())

public bool CanShip()
return _orderState.CanShip(this);
public void Ship()
if (CanShip())

Internal void Change(IOrderState orderState)
_orderState = orderState;
  • The first state to be created is the canceled order state.
  • Then Avgiv state class mg~n create Ki‡ev| cÖ_g state class hv Avgiv create Ki‡ev Zv n‡jv canceled order state
  • hLb GKwU order canceled n‡e ZLb Dnvi shipment possible n‡e bv|
  • Add a new class to the project named CanceledOrderState that implements the IOrderState interface with the code listing that follows:
  • GRb¨ project G GKwU new class add Kwi Ges Dnvi name w`B CanceledOrderState. CanceledOrderState class wU IOrderState interface ‡K implement Ki‡e Ges Bnvi code listing wb¤§iƒc n‡e-
namespace StatePattern.Model
public class OrderCanceledState : IOrderState
public bool CanShip(Order order)
return false;
public void Ship(Order order)
throw new NotImplementedException(
“You can’t ship a canceled order!”);
public OrderStatus Status
get { return OrderStatus.Canceled; }
public bool CanCancel(Order order)
return false;
public void Cancel(Order order)
throw new NotImplementedException(
“This order is already cancelled!”);
  • Next state n‡jv order shipped state
  • GRb¨ Avgiv Av‡iKwU class create Ki‡ev Ges Dnvi name n‡e OrderShippedState. GB class wU I IOrderState interface Øviv implement n‡e. Bnvi code listing wb¤§iƒc n‡e-

namespace StatePattern.Model
public class OrderShippedState : IOrderState
public bool CanShip(Order order)
return false;
public void Ship(Order order)
throw new NotImplementedException(“You can’t ship a shipped order!”);
public OrderStatus Status
get { return OrderStatus.Shipped; }
public bool CanCancel(Order Order)
return false;
public void Cancel(Order order)
throw new NotImplementedException(“You can’t cancel a shipped order!”);

  • Finally Avgiv last order state add Ki‡ev hvnv new order identify Ki‡e|
  • GRb¨ project G new class Add Kwi Ges Dnvi name w`B OrderNewState. BnvI IOrderState interface ‡K implement Ki‡e Ges  Bnvi code listing wb¤§iƒc n‡e-

namespace StatePattern.Model
public class OrderNewState : IOrderState
public bool CanShip(Order order)
return true;

public void Ship(Order order)
Order.Change(new OrderShippedState());

public OrderStatus Status
get { return OrderStatus.New; }

public bool CanCancel(Order order)
return true;

public void Cancel(Order order)
order.Change(new OrderCanceledState());
  • Dc‡iv³ exercise ‡_‡K Avgiv †`L‡Z cvB GK GKwU state-dependent behavior GK GKwU subclasses G define K‡i separate Kiv n‡q‡Q|
  • Gi d‡j cieZ©x‡Z new state introduce Ges separately state test easy nq
  • By taking advantage of this pattern, you prevent monolithic methods that need to determine the state of the object before implementing behavior; this is typically done through a set of case of nested if-else blocks.
  • State pattern Gi advantage wb‡q behavior implementing Gi c~‡e© object Gi state determine Gi Rb¨ monolithic(huge) methods writing prevent Kiv hvq|
  • hLb †Kvb object state Gi Dci depend K‡i Dnvi behavior change Kiv nq ZLb State pattern LyeB DcKvix|
  • hLb †Kvb class G AwZwi³ switch/case or if blocks e¨eüZ nq ZLb State pattern e¨envi K‡i Dnv‡K Lye mn‡RB refactor Kiv hvq|

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